Category: Beauty

Make your own whipped body butter! It's super moisturizing and much less expensive than store bought body butter.

Make your own whipped body butter! It’s super moisturizing and much less expensive than store bought body butter.

Moving to Montana has made me appreciate many things, including humidity and moisturizers. While living in Seattle I was naive and blindly ungrateful for my healthy hair and skin. I’ve never been a huge fan of fancy body products. Recently, moisturizer is an absolute necessity. Between the lower humidity, cold temperatures (it’s -7 Fahrenheit outside right now), our ridiculously hard water, and being pregnant my skin is a little out of whack. I tried lotions, which either did nothing or seemed to last for all of 10 minutes. I tried fancy belly butter, which worked but made me feel like a greased pig. I tried a few in betweens with various results. Then, I decided I was going to do some research and make something myself. The results? Whipped body butter.

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