Bedroom Wood Paneling and Demolition

I may have gotten a little caught up with house stuff and a little behind on the blog stuff. Here are some (not so fantastic) before and after pictures of what we’ve been up to – which is mostly ripping off wood paneling and some minor demolition of cabinets. Please ignore any glimpse of my messy house, we’ve been living in a construction zone. Also, that fuzzy mutt in (almost) every picture would be Faye, she likes to watch me work.


This would be the before all of the wood paneling in the blue room, I used a panoramic to get it all in so the room looks a bit skewed.


Blue room after – it already looks so much brighter! Yes, I know I missed a panel, I was having some minor electrical issues with the thermostat that was on that panel (and by issues I mean I had no clue how to disconnect it and had to wait for Casey to get home to help).


Yellow room before. This picture was taken after we ripped out the bed frame, that was built in before they installed carpet. The frame was too big for me to move by myself, so it’s still hanging out in the room until we get some extra man power.


Yellow room after, another instance of me not knowing how to disconnect the thermostat. For the record, I can now disconnect and reconnect the thermostats all by myself.


This is the built in cabinet that was in the yellow room. The doors/fronts were taken off when we had the asbestos removed from the ceilings. Similar to the bed frame, this was completely built in. Nailed to the walls and floor, and a true pain in the ass to rip out.


This might not be the best after picture with all of the bed frame components stacked against those walls, but it’s the best I have for now.

There you have it! I’ll be posting again this week with the before and after wood paneling pictures from the dining room and living room, and some before and after of the living room demolition. I’ll bitch about the damage to the dry wall, and how we plan to (hopefully) fix it later.

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